About the Freestyle Pro Tour (FPT)

The Freestyle Pro Tour (FPT) was launched in 2021, building on the foundation of the European Freestyle Pro Tour (EFPT), which was established in 2003. Originally created to elevate European windsurfing talent, the FPT now reaches a much wider global freestyle windsurfing community. The FPT is officially sanctioned by IFCA and World Sailing, cementing its status as the premier organization for global freestyle windsurfing where it formerly recognises the European Champion within the Fin Category.

Since its inception, the freestyle windsurfing community has grown significantly, with a strong emphasis on grassroots events and initiatives. These efforts ensure that the base of the sport receives vital support and provides a clear pathway for talented freestyle windsurfers to the pinnacle events. Today, the FPT oversees global freestyle windsurfing competitions and continues to award the official European Freestyle Windsurfing Champion title.

As freestyle windsurfing evolves, so do the disciplines. Foilstyle and Tow-In have emerged as dynamic and exciting formats, offering riders more water time and new ways to compete in a wider range of conditions. Freestyle windsurfing remains the only action watersport that can deliver thrilling, world-class performances in any conditions.

The FPT is also at the forefront of media production, with a strong global presence. Our events are showcased in numerous TV shows distributed internationally throughout the year, alongside viral social media content that reaches millions. We maintain a robust media foundation with regular press releases, mailing lists, daily highlights and event updates, providing comprehensive coverage for competitors and partners alike. Media assets, including livestream broadcasts, are made available to all riders and supporting partners to share event and rider news.

Globally, the FPT reaches in excess of 1.2 billion people per Championship event, thanks to cutting-edge livestream production and extensive media/TV coverage. Looking ahead, 2025 will mark a historic moment for the FPT as we host the first-ever indoor international Tow-In Freestyle Windsurfing competition. Additionally, the youth and junior categories are set to flourish, with more events providing opportunities for emerging talent. Both foilstyle and freestyle disciplines will continue to receive upgrades, promising an exciting future for competitors and fans alike.

The FPT strives for quality and consistency, focusing on fair yet progressive competition, offering the windsurf industry an exciting platform to showcase one of its many windsurfing formats. Meanwhile the tour creates and offers more and more jobs within this exceptional sport, offering a dynamic and exciting working environment for talented creatives to flourish.