Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy & Data Protection
This website is operated by the Freestyle Pro Tour (FPT), hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, and “FPT”, with registered office at Kronenweg 5, 81825 Munich, Germany. As Data Controller in accordance with Art. 4 (7) EU GDPR, we describe in this Privacy Policy & Data Protection Declaration the data we collect from you when you visit our website and for which purposes we process such data. In addition, we inform you about how we process data of our customers, suppliers, and interested parties for marketing purposes and explain the rights and safeguards we provide during data processing.

We operate this website for various reasons, namely:

As the protection of your personal data is very important to us, we strictly adhere to the statutory provisions set forth in the EU GDPR and the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG) when collecting and processing your personal data.

In the following, we inform you in detail about the scope and purpose of our data processing as well as your rights as a data subject. Therefore, please read this Privacy Policy thoroughly before continuing to use our website and provide your consent to data processing if applicable.

1. What data does FPT process?

FPT is a platform for sport, watersports, and contest enthusiasts. In principle, you can visit our website without registering or actively providing personal data. In such cases, we only collect the following data:

  • File name of the page or file you requested
  • File name of the page from which the current page or file was requested
  • Date and time of the request
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Access status (page transferred, page not found, etc.)
  • Type and operating system of the web browser used
  • IP address of the client and, if applicable, the domain name or the name of the Internet service provider
  • Statistics on page views, traffic data, and advertising data (each via cookies – see below)

Data you enter at FPT:

Depending on the feature you use, we collect additional data that you voluntarily provide. Without this data, you might not be able to use the relevant function. Examples include:

  • Contact forms: Title, first and last name, address, email address, and telephone number.
  • Newsletter subscriptions: Email address, first and last name (if provided), and preferences.
  • Raffles and surveys: First and last name, and email address.

2. For what purposes and on what legal basis does FPT process your data?

We process your data to provide the services and features of our platform. In addition, some processing takes place for further purposes, which we describe below along with their legal basis. These purposes include statistical evaluations, demand-oriented design, online advertising, direct marketing, and security purposes, as permitted under the GDPR and BDSG.

2.1 Statistical evaluations and demand-oriented design (Cookies)

When you use our platform, we create usage profiles under pseudonyms for statistical evaluation and for optimizing our offerings. These processes are based on legal regulations that allow personal data to be processed for these purposes due to our legitimate interest in improving our services (Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR).

We use cookies for this purpose, including persistent cookies and session cookies, to facilitate continuity during your visits. You can manage your cookie preferences in your web browser settings. Please note that deactivating cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. Your IP address is anonymized as part of this process, and data is processed in accordance with GDPR standards. You may opt out of this data collection by installing the browser plugin available at:

For more information on terms of use and data protection, visit: or

2.2 Online advertising

We use online advertising services like Google AdSense and AdWords to optimize advertising based on your predicted interests. Cookies are used to collect this information, but do not permit personal identification.

2.2.1 Google AdSense and AdWords

Information generated by these cookies is processed by Google in the USA, in compliance with the EU-US Privacy Shield.

You may opt out at: or

2.2.2 Other advertising networks

We also work with additional networks, such as Facebook (Pixel) and Adform, to deliver relevant advertising based on your interests. You can find more details on each platform’s privacy policy and opt-out mechanisms in the original Privacy Policy.

3. Data sharing and recipients

We may share your data with service providers for the purposes outlined above. We do not sell your personal data to third parties.

4. Data storage duration

We retain your personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes stated above or as required by law. Unnecessary data is deleted or anonymized.

5. Your rights as a data subject

Under the GDPR, you have the right to access, rectify, delete, or restrict processing of your data. You also have the right to data portability and to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing:

5.1 Right of objection

You may object to the processing of your data at any time by contacting us. We will cease processing unless we can demonstrate legitimate reasons that override your interests.