Who is Alexa Escherich

November 21, 2017

Who is Alexa Escherich

One month has passed since the last event of the freestyle windsurfing season 2017, the DAM-X in Brouwersdam, where 37 men and elven girls stepped into the ring to compete for the European title.

Apart from the pro ladies like Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard/Neilpryde), Maaike Huvermann (Starboard/Severne) and Arrianne Aukes (North/Fanatic), 15 years old Alexa Escherich (JP/Neilpryde) from Germany impressed with an excellent 4th place showing some decent contest skills. The young German sailor entered the EFPT and PWA in 2016 for the first time, but hasn’t been a no name to the windsurfing scene when doing so. Escherich started competing at the very young age of 13 at the Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge, to then make her first appearances in international freestyle and wave competitions in the following years.

The JP/Neilpryde rider was already awarded the title of the PWA Youth Freestyle Champion in 2016 and 2017 and she managed to pull some national and international podium positions. We wanted to know a little bit more about Alexa Escherich.

EFPT How did you like the DAM-X event 2017?
Alexa: It was a great event, as last year, but unfortunately it wasn’t as windy.
EFPT: Is there anything you want to tell other girls to motivate them to join the competition next year?

Alexa: To compete is always fun. You don’t want to miss this experience! And the organisation of the DAMX- is perfect!
EFPT: What was your favorite part of it?
Alexa: It was a great feeling to be on the stage with Sarah, Maaike and Arrianne!

EFPT: What were your best moments in 2017?
Alexa: There were many moments which I really enjoyed! For example to become Windsurf Talent 2017 on the PWA tour.
Favorite spot
Risco del Paso, Fuerteventura
Favorite person to sail with and why
Maaike, because it’s always fun to sail with her and we are singing on the water.
Scariest windsurf ever?
I never had one.
Slalom, freestyle or wave?
I can’t decide between freestyle and wave!
Best windsurfing experience ever?
To land my first Funnell was great!!!

Alexa going into a one handed funnell

General goals in life
The graduation from high school and to study.
Goals as a windsurfer
Sailing at Maui
Most supportive human beings
My parents
Best moment on tour
There is no specific moment. I like the tour in general!
Worst moment on tour
The moment when my power joint broke into pieces during my heat in Feuerte 2017.
Best people on tour
I like everyone
Best travel memories
Brouwerdam 2017, because it was my first time traveling alone.
Worst crash
Forward crash!

Forward loop by Alexa

Favorite moves
Moves you are working on
Challenges you would like to face
To sail in bigger waves

Alexa working on her shakas


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