EFPT Lanzarote - Day 1

July 9, 2014

EFPT Lanzarote - Day 1

After amazing conditions on the day of registration here at Costa Teguise, Lanzarote the EFPT crew and the riders were left disappointed, despite a promising forecast for today. Throughout the whole day it stayed overcast with clouds that messed up the local wind system.

The beauty and the curse of this great sport struck us all once again – sometimes not knowing when your next session will be makes windsurfing something very special, yet can turn out to be frustrating once you have to sit and wait for the wind to come. With a lot of up and down and very patchy and gusty conditions the 23 riders of the fleet have been kept on the beach through the whole day with announcements every 30 minutes. Just around 3.00pm it seemed to pick up a bit and the first heat with Fabrizi (North/Fanatic) against Etmon (Starboard) and Plüss (Tabou/Gaastra) against Böckler (Starboard). Even though the sailors chose their bigger sails and boards it became obvious quite quickly that it would not be sufficient to run a fair competition. Also the outlook for the upcoming event days doesn’t look to bright. Lanzarote local and organizer Antxon Otaegui stated: ‘It didn’t even occur to me that there could be no wind during this competition! In July!! Maybe one day but not more.’ Also other locals pointed out that they never seen a forecast like this in July. We are still crossing fingers that the conditions will improve for the next days. In case they are not, two jet-skis will be available for some tow-in super-sessions and to show some action here at the beach of Costa Teguise.

Skippers meeting at 08.00am

Skippers meeting at 08.00am

Even though Steven Van Breockhoven (JP/Neilpryde) could pump himself into some shakas, culos, backies and even paskos and Antoine Albert (Tabou/Gaastra) went for various switch moves and some power-moves, race director Tom Hartmann had to call it a day at 6.00pm with a scheduled skippers meeting for 10.00am tomorrow morning, as the wind wouldn’t pick up enough.

Steven Van Broeckhoven going for a backloop

Steven Van Broeckhoven going for a backloop

During the long waiting periods we seized the time to catch up with 18 years old Amado Vrieswijk (Starboard) from Bonaire, who is one of the youngest and most talented freestyle windsurfers worldwide. After finishing 3rd in the first PWA event and 5th in the first EFPT event in Podersdorf we wanted to know what he thinks about the EFPT Lanzarote event, his favorite conditions and his future plans.

EFPT: How long are you already on Lanzarote and how do you like it?

Amado: I arrived at the first of July and I had two days of really good wind! Especially yesterday was sick. We had biiiig waves and strong wind and it was perfect for big jumps!!! I used my Starboard Flare 91lt and my 4.4! It’s a perfect set-up for those conditions! I can go really high with it!

EFPT: What do you think about the event and Lanzarote so far?

Amado: So far I want to say that the organization is really good on site and also the accommodation at the Sands Beach Resort is super nice. Antxon is a crazy guy though, he does it all on his own here! He told me he needed more than 27 signatures from different people to be able to run the event! That’s impressive!

EFPT: Bonaire your home-spot is a rather flat place. What do you prefer? Flat water or more wavy conditions?

Amado: I really like both! It’s fun in the waves, well not always because you break a lot of gear, but Bonaire with it’s flat to choppy conditions is good fun too!
(Editors note: Amado was on the water for five to six hours yesterday in waves that were sometimes way over mast high and was throwing some massive backloops and pushloops which was not the best for his freestyle equipment).

18 years old Amado Vrieswijk

18 year old Amado Vrieswijk

EFPT: Which wave maneuvers can you do?

Amado: I can do backloops, pushloops, stalled forwards and paskos. I can do them all on port-tack but I don’t know if I can do it on starboard-tack as well. Actually I never tried sailing that tack! Haha!

EFPT: You are still young – surely you will try someday. Would competing in a wave competition be something you consider?

Amado: Yes I do consider it but I don’t really like the wave riding… I prefer the jumping!!!

EFPT: What are your aims for the EFPT competitions in 2014?

Amado: I would like to finish top 5 overall this year! Also in Lanzarote I would like to end up in the top 5 as there are really a lot of good sailors and it would be amazing to be in the top 5 together with them.

EFPT: Who do you think would be in the top with the more wavy conditions in Lanzarote?

Amado: I think Tonky will rip for sure, then Steven, Dieter, Nico who is super good in jumping and hopefully me!

EFPT: What are your future goals in windsurfing?

Amado: For 2014 I would like to end up in the top 5 in the PWA and the EFPT. In the next few years I hope to be on the podium of both tours. I try to compete in slalom events as well, but doing both disciplines the whole year is very difficult with school. When I finish school in one year I hope that I can do all the PWA slalom, freestyle and wave events and I want to travel a lot to train.

EFPT: What are your dream destinations?

Amado: I would really like to go to Jeri and Camocim, the Gorge in the States and Australia! I might join Dieter one time when he goes there for his winter training.

EFPT: Thanks for the words Amado and good luck for all your plans!

Please find the single elimination list here: Single1_Lanzarote2014


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